Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Green Millionaire

Today I took the plunge and began reading the Green far so points out some baby steps to save where it counts most (my pocket book) and to save on a grander scale....our envoirnment....I've got much more to read however I've learned by installing energy effiecent panels and the like you can save up to 20% on your energy fact the solar panel can be rented...for folks who choose or aren't in a position to buy them outrigt....

From what I've read it these techniques are readily avaiable and work for those who own their homes...unlike in an apartment unit won't reap the benefits of these avenues to conserve....but so far I'm digging the read....will keep it up and see where it takes me....out!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Today I Made Some Dough

Well....I should say I saved some dough....received a discount on an item I purchased and it made me feel good....more manifesting for savings, free gifts, and more....

Life is too short....enjoy it to the fullest!